Get to know me
Hi, I'm Joan!
Welcome to my sacred space where I review books and share aha moments with you.
Non-fiction has been my go-to genre for unanswered questions about life, career, spirituality, relationships, etc. I hope this blog enables you to explore non-fiction books and inspires you to read more.
Apart from being a hopeless non-fiction fan, I spend most of my days chasing my toddler, doing chores I dreaded as a kid, figuring out how to be a working mom, and finding new ways to annoy my husband. Reading is just one of the many joys in my life.
Being the problem child growing up got me a few titles, but the nickname “parrot” stuck around longer than expected. So, I made something out of it by pursuing a bachelor’s degree in marketing. I later updated this skill with a master’s degree in communication.
My point? Some criticisms are subtle nudges toward your natural gifts and can evolve into something worthwhile if exploited. So, keep being authentically you.
Expect blog posts twice a week and one book review every month. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to my monthly newsletter below to stay updated.
If you have requests or information to share, email or contact me via social media. It will be my pleasure to hear from you.
In the meantime,
Be fearless!